Milton Small Group Request Form

TBA | To request to join this Small Group, please fill out your information below and your small group leader will be in touch shortly! Fill out a form for each individual joining the group (in other words - if you are a couple, each of you should fill out a separate form). Small Groups will form during November and December, and begin meeting in homes in January. Small Group participants should commit to their group for the duration of the school year (through May/June), but you can make that decision after talking to your host. There will be a break for summer, and groups will resume meeting, or reform, in September.

Gatherings occur once or twice a month and usually include a meal, fellowship, and a short Bible study. Groups can choose to use a book or discussion questions based on the current UP Season sermon topic of the Catechism or use their own Bible study.
Welcome to Small Groups at First Pres Church Tacoma!
As a church, it is our heart that every member grows in their relationship with Jess, is known, and knows others.  The mission of our church is to end loneliness in our neighborhood and a Small Group provides space for friendships to flourish and disciples of Christ to be created.

Milton Small Group
Hosts: Sandy & Andrew Milton
Type: Adults
Location: North End Tacoma/Silas
Day: 1st & 3rd Mondays
Time: 5:30pm

Have questions? Let us know at


To request to join this Small Group, please fill out your information below and your small group leader will be in touch shortly! Fill out a form for each individual joining the group (in other words - if you are a couple, each of you should fill out a separate form). Small Groups will form during November and December, and begin meeting in homes in January. Small Group participants should commit to their group for the duration of the school year (through May/June), but you can make that decision after talking to your host. There will be a break for summer, and groups will resume meeting, or reform, in September.

Gatherings occur once or twice a month and usually include a meal, fellowship, and a short Bible study. Groups can choose to use a book or discussion questions based on the current UP Season sermon topic of the Catechism or use their own Bible study.