FPC Pledge Card 2023

Thank you for completing the 2023 Pledge Card. Your pledge will remain confidential.
Thank you for taking the time to complete a pledge card for 2023.  Your pledge is very important to the ministry of First Presbyterian Church.  Without them, we would not be able to carry out our mission.
Church General Fund

The Church General Fund covers expenses such as pastoral & staff salaries, benefits & payroll taxes, ministry expenses, building expenses and administrative expenses, to name a few.  We refer to these expenses as the Church Budget.
Please select one option.
Missions Team Fund

The Missions Team Fund supports our Missionaries and other missionary organizations.

Please select all that apply.
Deacon's Fund

The Deacon's Fund is used by the Deacons to help both members of our community and the great Tacoma community in times of need, provides food baskets at Thanksgiving & Easter, and supports local ministries who provide for the less fortunate. 
Please select all that apply.
Camp McCullough - Friends of Camp

The Friends of Camp donations support the ongoing operations of Camp McCullough.
Please select all that apply.
Giving Envelopes

Please select all that apply.


Thank you for completing the 2023 Pledge Card. Your pledge will remain confidential.